Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Untuk Dijual - Monitor Widescreen 19" LG FLATRON W1943SE

Model LG FLATRON W1943SE 19" Widescreen

ada output VGA sahaja.

Untuk dijual sekali dgn ORI LG power adaptor dan vga cable.

Monitor masih elok, skrin tiada calar, black dot tiada,

barang ada selagi iklan masih ada....

berminat.. sms / wassap 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

COD sekitar KL...

Harga = RM XXX SOLD!!! (25/12/2015)

Gambar seperti di bawah

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Untuk Dijual - Monitor LCD 22" Viewsonic VX2255wmb

Model Viewsonic VX2255wmb 22" LCD Monitor

ada output DVI dan VGA.

Untuk dijual sekali dgn power dan vga cable.

Monitor masih elok, skrin tiada calar, black dot tiada,

barang ada selagi iklan masih ada....

berminat.. sms / wassap 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

COD sekitar KL...

Harga = RMXXX SOLD!!! (23/12/2015)

Gambar seperti di bawah

Pisau Badik Lama

Untuk dilepaskan dan sesuai untuk dibuat koleksi.

My Loss Your Gain...

Kepunyaan sendiri sejak dari sekolah rendah lagi.

Prefer COD kawasan Setapak dan KL City area.

Sila SMS atau WhatsApp untuk maklumat lanjut di 0satu9-tiga9955lapan5

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Untuk Dijual - Monitor LCD Widescreen 19" Fujitsu LM1930W

Model Fujitsu 19" LM1930W Widescreen

ada output DVI dan VGA.

Untuk dijual sekali dgn power dan vga cable.

Monitor masih elok, skrin tiada calar, black dot tiada,

Color terang macam Apple Mac Display kerana permukaan kaca bukan plastik.

barang ada selagi iklan masih ada....

berminat.. sms / wassap 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

COD sekitar KL...

Harga = RMXXX (nego)  Sold!! 15/11/15

Gambar seperti di bawah

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Pasang Sendiri Kit Set Blue Meter ESR dari AnaTek Corp

Perggghh... Berjaya mendapatkan satu set Kit Set Blue Meter ESR (AnaTek Corp) dari En. Jestine Yong ( hasil dari kerja-kerja online PTC. Beli Kit Set kerana untuk mendapatkan 'feel' memasang sendiri alat ini serta jimat kos.

Ape yang terkandung dalam kotak kit set.

Beli probe tambahan untuk menyenangkan kerja checking in-circuit tapi kena modified la dahulu.

Akhirnya siap. Ambil masa lebih kurang 3 jam. Agak lama skit kerana kerja2 sorting & testing terutamanya resistor yangperlu dipastikan dahulu nilainya.. Biar lambat asalkan tak pening kemudian. Kerja2 soldering pun agak banyak melebihi 100 lebih point!!! Lagi pun komponen yang digunakan nampak agak berlainan sedikit dengan reference online.

Final test lepas buat calibration sekali ngan probe dah modified.

** Kalau berminat saya juga boleh ambil upah pasang alat ini..

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bukti Pembayaran Dari PTC

Saya tunjukkan beberapa screenshot bukti pembayaran yang diterima dari laman web PTC.

Semoga anda lebih bersemangat dalam membuat tugasan dan menge"klik"...

UseClix 26/11/2015

NeoBux 26/11/2015

ClixSense 18/11/2015

ClixSense 12/11/2015

ClixSense 28/10/2015

Bonus Task dari ClixSense 22/10/2015

ClixSense 21/10/2015

Jangan lupa support dan daftar ikut link di bawah sekiranya belum menjadi ahli lagi..





Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program

What Is PTC (Paid to Click)

What is PTC
PTC (Paid to Click) 
what is PTC (paid to click)? This is a service where you click on ads and get paid by the advertisers. There are some more feature also added to these sites e.g. you can complete surveys and tasks to earn as well.
  • Payment processor (paypal, neteller, payza etc) payment processor is website through that you will buy accounts or you will receive money to your account. The most common is
  • Account login.
    You need to make an account on website to get yourself registered. After making account you can log in and you can see you daily ads. While you are making an account to any ptc site they will ask you to put your paypal account. if you have not made a paypal account yet you can only put your e mail id and later you can make paypal account on the same e mail which you provided while making account.
  • How you will Earn:
    As I told you, once you make your account, you will get daily ads. You need to click on these ads. Once you click an ad, new window will open, you need to wait for countdown. After that you will get message that you ad is validated and amount credited to your account.
  • How you will get money:
    while this is online work, the question may arise in your mind how you will get salary. Its very easy. You need a payment processor account. You salary or your earnings will be cashed out through payment processor account. Most common payment processors are paypal and payza. You can make account by these links. & . Payment processor account only you need when you have to purchase or cashout your salary. So if you don’t have paypal account at time of signup, then you can only put your email there and later you can make account with the same e mail when you need to purchase something or cashout your salary.
  • Referrals:
    referrals are users like us who work online. There are some rented referrals(which we can rent from website) and there are some direct referrals(which are our direct referred users) referrals are very big and import source of earning money on PTC(paid to click sites). If you have more referrals, your earnings will multiply. Referrals you can take from every website as per your requirement and budget. Referrals are normally rented for 30 days and cost of a referral is $.2. this referrals will click for you and their clicks income will be added to your earnings. Please note that more referrals you have, more income you will have & also note that you try to click all daily ads, it will increase your referrals income. if any referrals has average of 1.5, it means it profitable for you. And the average is below this then its not profitable. you can extend you referrals as well. extending referrals will save upto 30% depending on your site.
  • Autopay:
    you can put auto pay option for referrals. In this option if a referrals will not click in a day, auto pay will not pay his fee. Auto pay will only pay if he clicks atleast one time in day.
  • Recycle:
    if you found some referrals are not clicking, you can recycle them and can get new. System also recycles the dead referrals. Some website are recycling in 4 and some are in 15 days. Normally don’t recycle your dead referrals.
  • Account Upgrdes :
    there are some basic accounts and some paid account. in paid account earnings are double and referrals limit are also extended. You can read full details of you account from your websites.
  • Traffic exchanger since you are working on PTC site, you need more direct referrals. To get direct referrals you need more users to refer. To solve it, there are some traffic exchanger site available. If you will click a site for them, they will send a user to your link for click. So in this way you will get users who will make accounts to your link and your direct referrals will increase. You can make account through this link for a traffic exchanger site.

Here I will tell you how you can earn online income by spending 1 hour daily on internet. You don’t need to do a lot. Just click ads and earn online. You can earn $2 to $5000 a month. Are you shocked? Its true. Real the full details below:-
Please note that you can’t be rich in a night. With zero investment, it will take you 3 to 4 months to earn $ 10 perday. You can earn more with more time and patience.

If you are a beginner on the Paid To Click (PTC) world, you should read the following strategy. Without any strategy or knowledge, you can earn just several cents per day. Please keep in mind that except clicking ads you can make money by paid surveys, mini job, earn point by doing some task etc on these web sites.Earn Online With Zero Investment
I am writing best website links below. you can work on one or on all links. its up to your time management. The strategy will be same for all website. 1st understand strategy and then you can apply this to all websites. Also note that PTC(paid to click) is patience game. You can not be rich in a minute. Go with the flow and time. Success will come to you for sure.

Note: i am writing strategy for 1st link only. you understand and then can implement on all other sites.
The goal of the ojooo strategy is realistic. Earn 50$ per day (Gross Earning). It will take few months, if you start with zero investment. On this strategy, I assume that your RR is really active and click average is high (around 2 ~ 2.5).
ojooo Rented Referral (RR) Strategy: Zero Investment Strategy.
(This ojooo strategy is based on general RR strategy.)
Stage 0. Preparation
• If you are not a member yet, sign up above mentioned links.
• Computer with internet (If you are using several PTC sites simultaneously, you need high performance Computer and internet)
• Payza or PayPal account (If you don’t have one, make one or just put you e mail id when it ask for paypal account. later you can make account at with same id)
• SpyWare and Virus Program installed on your computer
Stage 1. First 15 days
click all your daily ads. ojoo will deliver you daily ads and you click on them, new window will open and you wait for 30 sec and then draw sketch shown on ads. once you draw sketch ad will close and your account will be credited. By clicking all ads, you may earn $0.025 ~ $0.03 per day. ojooo minimum balance transfer from ‘Current balance’ to ‘Upgrade and rental balance’ is $2. So, save your money until your earning becomes $2. It will take long time, but you should be patient during this period.
• When you make $2, transfer the money to ‘Upgrade and rental balance’ and buy 10 RRs. Rent fee for one RR is $0.20.
• After you buy 10 RRs(rented referrals), check each RRs’ click average. Set Autopay on for the RR which click average is higher than 1.5. (If lots of your Autopaid RRs become inactive frequently, Autopay off. And just let them auto recycled by the system.)
• If your RR’s click average is high, you you will earn approximately $0.20 per day (Your clicks $0.03 + RR clicks $0.17)
Stage 2. Expand your RRs until 100 RRs
• After 10 days, can rent 10 more referrals. You earn $0.37 per day. (20 RRs)
• The following week rent 10 more referrals. You earn $0.54 per day. (30 RRs)
• The following week rent 10 more referrals. You earn $0.71 per day. (40 RRs)
• The following week rent 10 more referrals. You earn $0.88 per day. (50 RRs)
• Expand your RRs until you have 100 RRs.
Stage 3. Membership upgrade
• When you have 100 RRs, you can earn around $1.5 per day.
• The maximum number of RRs for standard member is 100. To rent more, you should upgrade.
• Save them until you can have enough money to upgrade your membership.
• For example, ojooo Premium membership is $39 dollars per year. When you buy it, the income will be doubled.
• The commission for each click becomes doubled, when you upgrade membership.
• Save your money until you have $99.
• Upgrade your membership to Premium+($39 per month), and then Rent 300 RRs ($60).
• Now you have 400 RRs, you can earn around $4 per day.
• Rent more. When you have 1000 RRs, your earning will be $10 per day.
Now we achieved our goal, $10 per day. If you want to earn more, follow the next step.
Stage 4. Resume acquiring RRs until 3000 RRs
• When you had 1000 RRs, you are earning $300 per month.
• 2000 RRs will not take long.
• When you have 3000 RRs, your daily earning is $30.
• Upgrade to VIP($99 per month). You can rent up to 5000.
• When you have 5000, you earn more than $2,000 per month.
If you have zero investment and you have daily 30 mints to work on internet, this is the best work you can do.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Untuk Diual - Monitor LCD Model DELL 19" WideScreen SE198WFPf

Model DELL 19" WideScreen SE198WFPf

ada output DVI dan VGA.

Untuk dijual sekali dgn power dan vga cable.

Monitor masih elok, skrin tiada calar, black dot tiada, color cantik

sesuai untuk gaming dan video....

barang ada selagi iklan masih ada....

berminat.. sms / wassap 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

COD sekitar KL...

Harga = RMXXX (nego)  Sold!! 12/9/15

Gambar seperti di bawah

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Perkhidmatan Membaiki / Repair Monitor LCD / LED

Perkhidmatan membaiki / repair monitor LCD / LED.

- no power
- power button blinking
- skrin gelap tapi power 'ON'
- skrin 'ON' dalam 2-5 saat, lepas tu shutdown balik
- backlight rosak

Sila nyatakan serba sedikit jenis kerosakan, sejarah pembaikan sblm ini dan lokasi.

Tempoh mengenal pasti kerosakan dalam masa 1-2 hari sahaja.

Bersedia membuat pickup sekitar lembah klang buat masa sekarang.

Saya akan cuba memberikan harga yang terbaik untuk anda.

Sila sms / WhatApps ke 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

Atau layari

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Untuk Diual - Monitor LCD Model 19" BenQ W2108 / T2200HD (Widescreen)

Model 21" BenQ W2108 / T2200HD  <--  Widescreen!!

ada output DVI dan VGA.

Untuk dijual sekali dgn power dan vga cable.

Monitor masih elok, skrin tiada calar, black dot tiada, color cantik

sesuai untuk gaming dan video....

barang ada selagi iklan masih ada....

berminat.. sms / wassap 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

COD sekitar KL...

Harga = RMXXX (nego)  Sold!! 12/5/15

Gambar seperti di bawah

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Untuk Diual - Monitor LCD Model 19" HP L1908W (Widescreen)

Model 19" HP L1908W <- Widescreen!

ada output VGA sahaja.

Untuk dijual sekali dgn power dan vga cable.

Monitor masih elok, skrin tiada calar, black dot tiada, color cantik

barang ada selagi iklan masih ada....

berminat.. sms / wassap 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

COD sekitar KL...

Harga = RMXXX Sold!! 6/7/2015

Gambar seperti di bawah

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How to Clixsense!!

** tips :- use same email ID for this account, your withdrawal account (eg. PayPal), taskflower account and your facebook account.  Taskflower used for doing mini task job and require sign-in using facebook ID. To avoid confusion please use same id.

Only one taskflower account per user, if used for task thro' Clixsense then the task will still be listed thro' other PTC eg. Neobux, but it will not permit to do the same task again.

For newbies, average PTC per day around 2.5c-3.5c for Asian demographic.

Your main income is from doing survey 35c - $1.33 and task.

The best part of task is for every $50 done job,  you will get $5 bonus!!

For task, at early stage (with no level), the task available only a 1 or 2 task per day or none at all. So be patient during this time.

Here are estimate task done for going up to next level..

Level 1 (~35 done job)
Level 2 (~50 job done) <--- target here because a lot of job available around here
Level 3 (~130 done job)

How to tackle the task.

During Quiz Mode - please do your best..Make sure to get the pass mode, if not 'Give Up' the job..
If pass or not you will not be paid yet!.
You will be paid only in Work Mode only.

Some task are repeated in the futures. Please observe the task ID no. You can do multiple time altho' you have done it before. (eg. transcribe receipt / tax)

I'll add more in the future.

Hope this will help you for now..

To open a free account please click the image below..

Monday, April 13, 2015

Untuk Dijual - Monitor LCD 19" CHIMEI CMV938D Widescreen

Model 19" CHIMEI CMV938D Widescreen

ada output DVI dan VGA.

Untuk dijual sekali dgn power dan vga cable.

Monitor masih elok, skrin tiada calar, black dot tiada, color cantik

barang ada selagi iklan masih ada....

berminat.. sms / wassap 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

COD sekitar KL...

RMXXX sahaja..SOLD!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Membeli Monitor LCD Terpakai yang Rosak / Faulty / Pecah

Bersedia membeli monitor LCD terpakai yang rosak / faulty / pecah dengan skrin saiz 19" ke atas.

Sila nyatakan serba sedikit jenis kerosakan dan lokasi.

Bersedia membuat pickup sekitar lembah klang buat masa sekarang.

Saya akan cuba memberikan harga yang terbaik untuk anda.

Sila sms / WhatApps ke 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Untuk Dijual - Modem Unifi VDSL ZTE ZXHN H268

Untuk Unifi, Modem VDSL ZTE ZXHN H268

Kondisi 9/10...barang lengkap seperti dlm gambar.

warranty tiada tapi boleh test masa beli...

COD sekitar KL area...

sms / whatsapps ke 01satu9 - tiga99 558lima

Macam Baru


Untuk Diual - Monitor LCD Model 19" Dell E198FPT

Monitor LCD Model 19" Dell E198FPT

Untuk dijual sekali dgn power dan vga cable

Monitor masih elok, skrin tiada calar, black dot tiada, color cantik

barang ada selagi harga masih ada....

berminat.. sms / wassap 0satu9-tiga99 558lima

COD sekitar KL...

Harga = RMXXX Sold!!

Gambar seperti di bawah



Connector VGA

Friday, March 20, 2015

Cara Buat Duit Online Tanpa Modal

Ada banyak cara membuat duit secara online dan salah satu cara yang paling mudah adalah menggunakan 'Paid to Click' atau PTC. Ini merupakan salah satu cara teknik advertising yang amat popular dikalangan pengguna internet di zaman sekarang. Ada banyak site PTC diluar sana dan kita perlu berhati-hati kerana terdapat pelbagai jenis promosi berbentuk scam. Scam boleh dikesan biasanya nilai pay per click tinggi dari yang lain, tidak support Paypal dll.

Namun saya ingin memperkenal 2 program PTC yang terbaik dan terbukti operasinya bertahan sekian lama sejak tahun 2007 lagi iaitu NeoBux dan Clixsense serta 2 lagi yang memberi kadar pulangan yang baik tanpa perlu selalu memeriksa laman web mereka.

Antara kelebihan:

  • tiada modal diperlukan ( hanya perlukan laptop/PC dan internet)
  • keahlian percuma
  • boleh membuat keuntungan serta merta selepas daftar keahlian dan membuat beberapa task
  • kemudahan pembayaran melalui PayPal dan lain-lain
  • hanya 10-20 minit setiap hari diperlukan
  • pasif income yang amat ringkas dan mudah difahami
  • Referral boleh di sewa (Rented Referral) atau dapat secara terus (Direct Referral) eg. melalui iklan / kenalan.
  • Pure Profit!!!

Sila tekan banner dibawah untuk daftar dibawah tajaan saya.




Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program

Syarat-syarat asas biasanya:-

  • dibenarkan membuka satu akaun shj
  • setiap IP address dibenarkan satu akaun
  • aktiviti di wifi awam / share internet / proxy / VPN tidak dibenarkan

Pada permulaannya memang terasa agak lambat dalam mengumpul modal dalam akaun. Sekiranya anda pernah main game Clash of Clan atau Castle Clash, konsep yang sama dgunakan, lama-lama anda makin mahir dan modal bertambah serta referral akan meningkat. Terdapat banyak panduan mengenai cara-cara memaksimakan keuntungan melalui program diatas boleh dicari secara carian di Google sahaja.

Saya akan update stats dan report dari sudut newbies tanpa mengeluarkan modal langsung.